Modern Producer Secrets

The Top Money Mindsets for a Better Music Business

Episode Summary

Money is always the reason people quit their dreams.  If you’re struggling to turn your passion into a profitable business, join Adam and Cameron in this discussion about the top money mindsets to adopt for financial growth.  We uncover the errors in thinking and share some of the best secrets we’ve found so you can unlock the earning potential you deserve.

Episode Notes

Money is always the reason people quit their dreams.  If you’re struggling to turn your passion into a profitable business, join Adam and Cameron in this discussion about the top money mindsets to adopt for financial growth.  We uncover the errors in thinking and share some of the best secrets we’ve found so you can unlock the earning potential you deserve.




Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact the music industry.


Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw

Editorial: Cameron Bashaw

Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself!

Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC

Intro & outro song: Xray Liota (instrumental) – Pollux & Castor