Modern Producer Secrets

How to Stop Losing Music Sales

Episode Summary

Cameron and Adam discuss the four common objections that music producers run into when it comes to closing the deal with potential clients and how to overcome them without feeling sleazy or getting called a salesman.

Episode Notes

Are you tired of flopping at every sales opportunity? If you’re making offers and getting bites, but no one is transacting with you for your music services or products, it’s time you had “the talk.” Cameron and Adam discuss how to stop the sales flop. Join us if you want to uncover the four common objections that producers run into when it comes to closing the deal with potential artist clients and how to overcome them without feeling sleazy or getting called a salesman.




Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry. 


Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself! 
Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
Intro Song: Project OverthrowCameron Bashaw
Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor