Modern Producer Secrets

Descript the Script

Episode Summary

Do you ever wonder how the most prolific producers out there manage to put out seemingly endless amounts of content consistently and constantly? Their secret is that they use the right tool at the right time for the right job. There is a new weapon that is taking over the media industry right now. From podcasters to broadcasters, even YouTubers are starting to wield it for narrative content creation. Tune in to this episode and discover why Descript is flipping the script on narrative production.

Episode Notes

Do you ever wonder how the most prolific producers out there manage to put out seemingly endless amounts of content consistently and constantly?  Their secret is that they use the right tool at the right time for the right job. There is a new weapon that is taking over the media industry right now.  From podcasters to broadcasters, even YouTubers are starting to wield it for narrative content creation.  Tune in to this episode and discover why Descript is flipping the script on narrative production.




Modern Producer Secrets is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact the music industry.


Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw

Editorial: Cameron Bashaw

Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw

Outro song: The Last Summer – Pollux & Castor