Modern Producer Secrets

Build A Better Mousetrap

Episode Summary

Do you feel like a small fish caught in a very red ocean? Have you worked tirelessly on your music craft and yet feel stuck in a hamster wheel? Cameron invited Tyler, an MPA member, to share his journey as he came from a broke engineer in Nashville to building a profitable business that he operates full-time. If you want to learn how he’s making a better mousetrap, tune in.

Episode Notes

Do you feel like a small fish caught in a very red ocean? Have you worked tirelessly on your music craft and yet feel stuck in a hamster wheel?  Cameron invited Tyler, an MPA member, to share his journey as he came from a broke engineer in Nashville to building a profitable business that he operates full-time.  If you want to learn how he’s making a better mousetrap, tune in.




Tyler’s Books:


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Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact the music industry.


Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw

Editorial: Cameron Bashaw

Edited in Descript

Published by: Teknofic Recordings LLC

Intro Song: Complex – Pollux & Castor

Outro song: Askaryan Pulses – Pollux & Castor